How To Secure Your WordPress Blog
Online Industry is booming these days, especially after the Covid pandemic. Many people have started their online blogs to make a living online. However, In this digital and technology-driven world security is a big threat and challenge for website owners. In this post, I am going to show you tips to secure your WordPress blog.

Blogging is now growing at a rapid speed. People now focus more on blogging to make a living online. WordPress is one of the best and most widely used CMS to start a blog.
There is no doubt that WordPress is the most secure CMS for blogging. However, hackers and spammers are always finding loopholes to sneak into your blog. Let’s check out how to secure your WordPress blog.
5 Tips To Secure Your WordPress Blog
Here are 5 simple yet effective tips to secure your WordPress Blog. By implementing these simple techniques, you are able to secure your WordPress blog. Let’s find out.
1. Use Strong Passwords
Passwords are easy targets for hackers. If you use low and less secure passwords that consist only of letters or numbers are easily hackable. You need to make your password strong. When you made a password for your WordPress admin panel, make sure you use a password with a combination of:
- Letters
- Uppercase and Lowercase
- Numbers
- Special characters
Your password must be a minimum of 8 characters. Don’t make simple combination passwords. Also, avoid using a username as “admin” It will be easily targeted by hackers.
To Generate a password, you can use third-party tools like Lastpass to generate a strong password for your WordPress admin panel.
2. Avoid Using Nulled Themes and Plugins
Premium themes and plugins are paid but you can easily find their nulled versions online free of cost. Many users download these nulled themes and plugins. Don’t ever do that. Nulled theme and plugin contain malware and viruses.
When you upload them to your WordPress blog, hackers can easily hack your WordPress blog. So, it can be very risky if you use nulled themes and plugins.
Nulled themes and plugins also contain the adware which runs ads that are of course not yours on your blog and spammers will earn money from them.
So, I highly recommend you not use any nulled themes and plugins. You can use free themes and when you have the budget, you can buy some premium themes like GeneratePress.
3. Use Security Plugins
Security plugins are very helpful to protect your WordPress blog from hackers and spammers. You can use security plugins like Wordfence, and All In One WP security to secure your WordPress blog.
You can also use the Jetpack brute force protection features to secure your WordPress blog from hackers who are using the common username and password combinations to log in to your WordPress blog.
The benefits of using security plugins are as follows:
- Scan your WordPress files and folders.
- Detect the file permissions.
- Secure your blog from viruses.
- Block potentially harmful IPs.
- Provides Firewall.
By using a security plugin, you can secure your WordPress blog to an extended level.
4. Update Your Themes and Plugins
Updating your themes and plugins is very helpful to secure your WordPress blog. Developers often release updates for their themes and plugins. You need to update your WordPress themes and plugins.
If you don’t update your themes and plugins then they might get outdated and miss the security updates released by the developer. It will then make your theme and plugins vulnerable.
5. Update Your WordPress core files
WordPress periodically releases updated versions of core WordPress files. You need to update your WordPress core files. Updating WordPress core files makes your core files updated.
These core updates also include security updates and feature enhancements. if your WordPress is not updating then you need to update your WordPress core files to keep your blog up to date.
These are the 5 best and most helpful tips to secure your WordPress blog. You also need to be vigilant about the day-to-day activity on your blog. I hope you found this post helpful and help you to secure your WordPress Blog. Don’t forget to share the post with your friends.