Vishwajeet Kumar

Hey fellow Bloggers!

Thanks for reaching out to our about us page.

My Name is Khamoosh Q. I am a pro blogger and digital marketer. I started my blogging journey in late 2015. In my 7+ years of blogging journey, I have learned so much about blogging and how to make money from blogging. I have helped many newbie bloggers to start their blogs and also helped them to become successful bloggers.

My Blogging Journey

When I was in School, I was very much fond of computers and technology. I used to learn new things about them. Gradually, when I went to college for pursuing my B.B.A., I came to know about WordPress. I started my career as a freelancer and initially work as a designer. I install and design websites. It helps me to earn some income online.

This way I realize that I can earn money online. Later in my final year of graduation, I learned about blogging and read income reports of some pro bloggers like Harsh Agarwal, Anil Agarwal, Pat Flynn, etc. It motivates me a lot and I started my blog. Initially, it was a failed blog. Subsequently, I started 3 blogs and failed in them. However, I have learned a lot from my failure.

I still remember those days when I started my 4th blog and I am able to earn $300 Commission from a hosting affiliate. It really motivates me a lot. So, I have chosen blogging as a full-time job in 2016. Blogging helps me to live a digital nomad life. All you need is a laptop and an internet connection to work from anywhere in the world.

Motive Of Starting WebInfopond

Many of us have gone through the up and downs in our life. I always try to help newbie bloggers to start and grow their blogs or any online ventures. That’s why I have created this blog In this blog, you will find everything about blogging, technology, WordPress, SEO, and Marketing.

I will try to provide you with as much as detailed posts on everything about the blogging world. Hope you have learned many new things from this blog. If you have to need any help, feel free to contact me

Thanks & Regards

Vishwajeet Kumar